
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Name

Ever since I first had the idea to start a blog I have been trying to think of a good name for one. Blog names stick out to me. I like creative website and blog names, names that make you think “what is the meaning behind the name?” I talked to my parents and my friends; I prayed about it. I thought and I thought, until one day it came to me that I should use an old hymn name as my blog’s title. Why not? I love old hymns!  I grabbed a hymnal and started thumbing through it’s pages. I thought of “Amazing Grace”, “How Great Thou Art”, and others, but they weren’t quite what I wanted.  I want my blog to be about how a God that is powerful, a God that saves, a God of miracles, a God we can trust, a God that keeps promises, will work in the life of one of his daughters, Emily Jo Booher. So when I saw “Standing On The Promises” staring up at me I knew that it was the name for my blog. I’ve sung this many, many times and I love the words, especially verse two.  ...