
Showing posts from January, 2017

Kombucha- my latest success in the beverage world!

I am a lover of kombucha. Bolivia has never been enlightened to the joys of this delicious and refreshing drink, so I have had to create my own. There is one good thing about not having a grocery store packed with American luxuries nearby, you have to be creative! It all started with one scobie that a dear friend of ours gave me right before we began the long journey into the wilds of South America. It was nigh onto a miracle that it was alive at all by the time I got to it a week and a half later! We did what experts would deem absolutely risky if not impossible, the scobie was put in a plastic bag with little to no fluid and was flown over 6,000 miles then carried to the heart of South America. God kept it alive! My first batch wasn't great. In fact, my first ten batches weren't great. I do not like continuous batch kombucha and will not make it. I like fizzy, bubbly, delicious and slightly sweet kombucha. My first attempts at second fermentation were ok, but not exactly...

My Testimony Of Change

While looking at old family pictures and videos yesterday, I was shocked by how much I have changed in the past 6 years. Tomboy to the core, frisbee lover, and die-hard Carhart wearer me changed into somebody else over the course of seven years. But man, it seems like yesterday. People have tried to tell me how much I've changed since we moved to Bolivia, but I didn't think I had changed  that much until I looked at those pics. As for growing up like I did, looking back, there are very few things that I would change, and most of those things are heart issues. I loved being a tomboy. Myles and I used to spend hours throwing a frisbee around in the cow pasture, riding bikes, building forts, milking cows, and playing war. There is nothing I would want to change about that. Sharpshooter Emily! Oh yes, me and what is my lifelong favorite bike!  Daddy and Mama gave me this beautiful 22 for my thirteenth birthday.   My fourteenth birthday party. Just l...

It's A Pizza Party!

Hey there, everyone! I'm excited to introduce 5 of my English students to you all! Two months ago I started a small language school called, "YES! Your English Source." I hold classes at Mattix Coffee in the afternoons when it's closed. Right now I have 10 students, and hope to eventually have up to 15-but no more! I have two classes. One for 8-13 year olds and one for 5-7 year olds. I love teaching these cute kids! It is exhausting and rewarding at the same time. I promised my seven hardworking students from the 8-12 year old class that we would have a pizza party. They were very excited about it and worked even harder! Unfortunately, two of the seven did not make it for various reasons. :-( Left to Right: Patrix, Elias, Matias, Me, Camilla, Natalia, and Flavia. Note: Patrix is not my student. He was brought by Elias. Bringing an uninvited guest to the party is a very Bolivian thing to do! Patrix was a great addition and we were glad to have him.  I gav...