
But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John 3:17

The doorbell rings. A woman stands outside the gate with a baby in her arms. Her name is Luisa. She is very stooped and thin, her face is careworn and sad; she is old beyond her years. Her story is a sad one: her husband has left her and her five children in the worst of circumstances. She has come to ask for help. One of her small daughters has a tumor in her lung. Luisa lives in a three roomed hovel with her children and her friend and her 7 children. They barely make it from day to day; she sells orange juice on the street, and her friend, Sulma, works full time at an orphanage. 

I recognized her voice when I asked who it was. I was reluctant to open the door. She has come to us many times asking for money. We have always helped her with her rent, food, and medications, but suspicion and runs deep and in the beginning we are reluctant to fulfill her requests. Daddy took her to the pharmacy and got the medicine that she wanted. I thought little about it until tonight when Mama told us what she came for, and why. I feel very convicted. I wanted to turn her away in her time of need.

I know the little girl with the tumor. Her name is Vivian. She is small and has a beautiful smile. She smiles in the midst of poverty and squalor. Vivian is in great pain. She faints due to lack of oxygen flowing through her damaged lungs, and she probably gets barely enough to eat each day. And I wanted to turn her mama away. 

Then tonight, the Lord reminded me that this is why we are here. To visit the fatherless and widows, for that is pure religion and undefiled before God. (James 1:27) For the Luisas and Vivians of this world is why God put us on this earth.

So tonight when you pray, ask the Lord to heal Vivian. Ask him to deliver her from her pain, and to show her how much he loves her. 

Thank you Lord for blessing me with so much. Help me to give from what you have given to me. 

Emily Jo

Promise: Isaiah 49:11He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. 


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