El Cajón

Check out our latest project--El Cajón Peruana!!! My fascination for this instrument began the moment I first played one at some friend's house. After a bit of web research, I found out that I could make one myself, or rather, Myles could make it and I could buy the materials and help. 

 We screw and glued the box part together. 

 Carpenters at work!
 We sanded,
 And painted. We mixed the varnish with red oil paint, so it turned out like a kind of clear/red stain. So cool! 
 Then we speeded up the drying process by blow drying it. We were so anxious to play it!!!
 This is the life! 
Myles got a video of our jam session, which I am including below. My cajón playing could use some brushing up in the rhythm department, but Clancy and clara are ripping it up on the piano and fiddle! It has a nice bassy sound upon striking the center, and a good slap on the top edge. Definitely the coolest and easiest rhythm instrument I've ever played! 

Until next time, 

Emily Jo 

Promise: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me on that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8


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