Stepping Outside of Our Comfort Zone

Have you ever heard, thought, or said the statement, "This is just way too far out of my comfort zone and I don't want to do it"? I have. I've said it, I've thought it, and I've heard it. 

What is a comfort zone? According to my dictionary it is a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress. It includes your friends or anything yours that you are familiar with.  For me, my comfort zone is my home, my family, my friends, my work, my stuff, which is basically my world. It's pretty-much all about me. 

Now, what is stepping outside of your comfort zone? It's when you need to do something, or are placed in a situation where you must do something that is awkward, uncomfortable, not used to, and perhaps embarrassing.  

Unfortunately things that are outside our comfort zone are things like telling your sibling that you love them, or telling somebody about Jesus, or using your talents to bless others, or going to a nursing home and talking and spending time with the elderly there. All of these things are good, but we push them aside with the excuse "it is just too far out of my comfort zone."

   The comfort zone excuse: Not Valid

Jesus: the perfect example.
Jesus left his heavenly home to live among sinful and unclean mankind. 
He died on a cross, the worst kind of death, so that we could have eternal life. 
What a sacrifice. What an example. 

 Mark 16:15 
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

We need to preach the gospel, but the comfort zone excuse stands in our way.
This is the number one usage of this excuse.

He came, he gave his life, he saved us, and now he asks us, the believers, to go and share about him. Do we obey? Speaking for myself, no. How many times have I shared about Jesus in this past year? I would be ashamed to admit. Is my comfort zone smaller than God's plan?   It needs to be enlarged greatly if so. God's commandment MUST be obeyed. At all costs. 

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the the gospel of Christ: for is is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

When we step outside of the comfort zone we can start being used by God. Life stops being all about me and starts being all about Him. He starts getting the glory because you are finally letting him have his way with your life. 

I read this quote on my cousin Kathryn's blog in her post called "Get Used to Being Uncomfortable":

"The more we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations, the sooner we’ll become comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

I laughed after reading that one. It's sooo true! Just try it and you'll find out. :)

Now here's the Challenge

This week do two things that you consider as being outside of your comfort zone. Step out, and I think you will enjoy it. Do it without regard for the people watching, do it as unto the Lord and not unto men.

Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye dodo it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

And remember (promise): I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13

I hope you comment and tell me what you did! I'm anxious to know!

Enjoy the challenges of life,

Emily Jo


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